Dr. Sabina Akhter

Assistant Professor - College of Education
  • Publications : 15
  • Citations : 106
  • h-Index : 5
  • Last Updated : Mar/26/2025 02:25:34

Dr. Sabina Akhtar holds her Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, India. She has extensive experience in molecular biology and genetics of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes including fungi and plants.

She has developed and mapped populations, engaged in DNA extraction, gene amplification, DNA fingerprinting and gene pyramiding, and has published research papers in professional journals, after attending related conferences and workshops.


Cover Date Title Citations
Jan/02/2023 Bioherbicidal potential of Rumex crispus infected with Didymella rumicicola 0
Aug/01/2024 Comprehensive Investigation of Salmonella spp.: Isolation, Characterization and PCR Primer Set Evaluation for Enhanced Detection and Identification 0
Jan/01/2010 Current status of post harvest soft rot in vegetables: A review 62
Jun/01/2024 Elucidating the genomic regions through genome-wide association study (GWAS) for root traits in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) mini-core collection 2
Dec/01/2017 Environmental prosperity and sustainable development practices 1
Jan/01/2015 Genetic diversity in cultivars and landraces of rice as revealed by SSR markers 1
Jan/01/2014 Genetic diversity of mulberry (Morus spp.) genotypes using RAPD markers 1
Jul/01/2019 Genetic homogeneity appraisal of in-vitro plants regenerated from leaf explants of sapindus mukorossi using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers 8
Aug/01/2020 Genetic variability and aroma studies in landraces and cultivars of oryza sativa 0
Dec/01/2022 Genome-wide association analysis to delineate high-quality SNPs for seed micronutrient density in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) 10
Sep/01/2023 Meta-analysis of the quantitative trait loci associated with agronomic traits, fertility restoration, disease resistance, and seed quality traits in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) 10
Mar/01/2022 Mistletoe Eradicator - A Novel Tool for Simultaneous Mechanical and Chemical Control of Mistletoe 4
Sep/01/2024 Navigating the Global Environmental Agenda: A Comprehensive Analysis of COP Conferences, with a Spotlight on COP28 and Key Environmental Challenges 1
Feb/01/2022 Plant Growth and Stomatal Responses of Potato Cultivars under High Temperature Stress 4
Jan/01/2021 The effects of rising temperature on cell viability, relative water content and proline accumulation of plants 1

Dr. Sabina Akhter

Assistant Professor, College of Education

prof-imageDr. Sabina Akhtar holds her Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, India. She has extensive experience in molecular biology and genetics of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes including fungi and plants.

She has developed and mapped populations, engaged in DNA extraction, gene amplification, DNA fingerprinting and gene pyramiding, and has published research papers in professional journals, after attending related conferences and workshops.


Dr. Wael Ali

Assistant Professor / Manager of Counseling & Disability

Dr. Sabina Akhter

Assistant Professor

Dr. Hazim Aal Ismail

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Dr. Ahmed Al-Jumaili low res

Dr. Ahmed Al-Jumaili

Assistant Professor

Mr. Umer Sarhan


Ms. Sana Hamdan low res

Ms. Sana Hamdan
